The Word of God
Lectionary Scripture InsertsReady for Advent 2011, Sola is now producing Lectionary Scripture Inserts for weekly worship, as electronically delivered PDF copy masters, able to be reproduced on a church's computer or photocopier. Click HERE to see a full-size copy-ready sample. The inserts include: a) Three Appointed Readings: First and Second Readings, Gospel
- featuring the English Standard Version of Scripture (ESV)
- using the LC-MS version of the Revised Common Lectionary*
b) Psalm Text (pointed for chanting)
- using the traditional Psalm texts, as used in the LBW
c) Prayer of the Day (Collects)
- translated from the traditional/historical sources
A seperate RTF sheet will provide Scripture texts as well as suggested "Prayers of the Church" for worship leaders, editable for local use.
For those who order in 2011, you will receive the inserts and prayers for Advent-Christmas 2011 at no charge! Your quarterly subscription will begin in 2012.HOW TO ORDER: The inserts are being made available as an ongoing subscription for those who have a congregational account with Sola. Please contact our regular customer service number 1-(888) 887-9840 to start a subscription, and/or to set up a congregational account (all you need is: name, address, phone, email).
DELIVERY and BILLING: The inserts will be sent quarterly as a copy-ready PDF file, including the lessons for the upcoming three months. A 'plain text' RTF file will also be sent for those who may prefer to cut and paste text into their bulletins. The email to which the files are attached will include the quarterly invoice for the congregation, at a subscription rate of only $20 per quarter (including permission to reproduce as many copies as the congregation requires). The subscription will continue unless cancelled. A valid email address is required.
In consultation with leaders of NALC, LCMC, CALC, and Lutheran CORE, Sola is recommending the use of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod version of the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), as found in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB), from Concordia Publishing House. Used with Permission. Lectionary inserts and other worship-support products produced by Sola Publishing will be based on this version of the RCL, rather than the ELCA version. (Go HERE to see a schedule of the texts for the year.)