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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Activity (Series A2 - Lesson 2): Stone Craft

Sunday Schoolhouse Series Activity - A2
Lesson 2: David Fights Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1 - 49)

For this lesson the children will make a stone craft:
For this project you will need heavy cardstock (8x11 or so) for each child, scissors, five small pebbles for each child, craft glue, a small piece of yarn for each child, and markers. Each child will cut a pouch shape from their cardstock. This will represent David's pouch. Then they will glue the bit of string across the top to look like a tie. The children should glue the five pebbles on the pouch and write "The Battle is the Lord's - 1 Samual 17:47." Small children could use "stones" cut from felt and have the verse printed on paper for them.


  1. I love this idea its simple and super cute David and Goliath is my first lesson to teach I hope the kids like this as much as I do!!! <3

  2. Love this idea!!! Very excited to do with the kids and plan to display in the main hallway once the glue dries!!!
