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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Activity (Series A2 - Lesson 3): Fiery Wagon Wheel

Sunday Schoolhouse Series Activity - Unit A2
Lesson 3: Elijah is Taken Up into Heaven (2 Kings 2:1-14)

As part of this lesson the children will make a fiery wagon wheel:
For this project each child will need a standard size blue, brown, orange and red piece of construction paper; scissors, glue, and markers. Have a coffee can available in the class room to trace the outer part of the wagon wheel. The blue construction paper will be the background on which the wheel, flames and prayer will be placed. Take the brown construction paper and outline the coffee can to make a circle. Cut out the circle (save the rest of the brown paper), then cut a circle out of the middle of the brown circle you just cut making a ring about 1" thick. This is the outer part of the wagon wheel. With the left over brown paper cut three strips long enough to crisscross the wheel making spokes. Lay the blue construction paper lengthwise and glue the wheel to the right side of the blue paper. Do not glue down the left side of the wheel, this way the flames can be tucked underneath.

Glue the three brown strips of paper crossing in the middle on the wheel making spokes. Using the red and orange construction paper cut out flames in varying lengths. Glue the flames on the left side of the wheel tucking the ends underneath so that it looks like the flames are coming out of the back of the wheel. Write the corresponding lesson prayer listed on the bottom of page 12 on the top left of the blue paper.

For younger children you may want to pre-cut the rings for the wheel and print out copies of the prayer from page 12.


  1. Great craft idea, we will use your idea next Sunday. Thank You!

  2. Thanks I am going to use this for my class on Sunday. I may write a verse on the centre of the wheel.
    thanks again
