Sunday Schoolhouse Series Activity - UnitA 1
Lesson 4: Joseph and the Dreams in Prison (Genesis 40:1 - 23)
As part of this lesson the children will make positive/negative art:
For this project you will need two different colors of construction paper for each student, scissors, glue and a printed paraphrased version of Jeremiah 29:11-12 printed for each student. The paraphrase could be written, "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, for your welfare and a future of hope. I will hear you when you pray to me." This verse from the prophet also summarizes the experience of Joseph in this week's lesson. Joseph faced many positive and negative events in his life, but God had a plan for him all along. His future was hopeful even when Joseph could not see it and God answered his prayers.
Each child will choose two pieces of construction paper of two different colors. One piece will be the background. With the other piece the children should fold the paper in half and cut a free hand design out of the folded edge. They will now have positive and negative paper of their design. For both the "positive" design and the "negative" cut out left-over the children will cut the design down the middle. Glue the left half of the cut out "positive" design to the left side of the background construction paper. Glue the right half of the left-over "negative" design to the right side of the background construction paper (as shown to the right). The younger children can glue the verse on the paper; while the older children could write the verse themselves weaving it in and around their design.
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