With all the changes taking place in the larger church, people have been looking for options in education materials. Since Sola Publishing exists to serve the specific needs of LCMC, WordAlone, Lutheran CORE, and NALC – I’ve been asked to put a priority on producing a basic Sunday School series for churches to begin using this Fall.
What I’ve come up with is something a little different from other things available on the market. Sola’s new Sunday Schoolhouse series is a flexible curriculum focusing on the priority of God’s Word. I am taking an “old school” approach with emphasis less on “activities” and more on teaching Bible stories. Multiple presentations of the story are built in to each lesson, including: story, rhyme, and drama.
Since more elaborate programs are available through other publishers, I’ve designed this series with the particular needs of small churches, mission congregations, and house churches in mind. The “all-in-one” reproducible style allows for children of varying ages and grade levels to meet together in a flexible manner, suitable to local needs.
For a bi-fold 11"x17" flier (pdf) describing the new Sunday Schoolhouse series, click HERE.
The series as a whole will be based on a three-year cycle, with a full Bible overview each year. Years A-B-C will each have four units of seven sessions each (two OT and two NT). Beginning this Fall, our first Classroom Resource Book will be available for Year A - Unit 1 (best provided as one book per teacher/class), with other books for 2010-2011 coming in the months ahead. There will also be a Leader’s Manual ready this Fall, describing the whole series cycle and providing information for superintendents, teachers, and helpers.
Pastor Steven King
Director, Sola Publishing
Maple Lake, MN
PS. Sola Publishing already has available a few general reproducible VBS/Sunday School booklets, one nursery-aged booklet, and a graded (1-6) 5-week supplementary series curriculum on Luther’s Catechism. Go to: www.solapublishing.org to see our current catalog.